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Don Stefano Gobbi

In the Light of His Truth - Budskab nr. 595


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Budskab nr. 595
Fr. Gobbi 49 Marseille (France); May 18, 1997
Solemnity of Pestecost

In the Light of His Truth

"My little son continue this wearying journey throughout all of France, in order to hold everywhere wonderful cenacles with the priests and the faithful of my Movement. This it my hour. This is the hour when I want to gather you all into the spiritual cenacle of my lmmaculate Heart. Here, the prodigy of the second Pentecost for the Church and for all humanity will soon take place.

The Holy Spirit will give his perfect testimony.
It is the testimony of the Holy Spirit which will convince the world of sin.
In the light of his truth, all humanity will understand the abyss into which it has allowed itself to be led by Satan who, in it [humanity] and by means of it, he has wanted to repeat the proud gesture of his rejection of God and of his Law.
Thus humanity has arrived at building a civilization without God, has given itself a morality contrary to his Law, has justified every form of evil and of sin, and has allowed itself to be seduced by materialism, hatred, violence and impurity.
By the divine fire of the Holy Spirit, humanity will be completely purified, that it may again become that new garden where the Most HolyTrinity will receive its greatest glory.

It is the testimony of the Holy Spirit which will profoundly renew the Church.
In the light of his truth, the Church will see itself in all its human weakness and will be healed of its crisis of faith; it will beset free from the snares of errors, which have spread the deep wound of apostasy and infidelity within it.
Renewed by the divine fire of the Holy Spirit, the entire Church will reflect the glory of its Lord and will again become a faithful and chaste spouse, all beautiful, without spot or wrinkled, in imitation of its heavenly Mother.

It is the testimony of the Holy Spirit which will bring you to an understanding of the whole and entire truth.
In the light of his truth, there will become apparent to all the saving power of the Gospel of Jesus, which will spread his divine splendor everywhere. And thus Jesus will be listened to in His word, followed on the way traced out by Him, imitated in his life, and glorified in his Person.

The hour has come when my Son Jesus must be glorified by all. With the prodigy of the second Pentecost, humanity will acknowledge Jesus Christ as its Redeemer and as its only Savior.
Then the Holy Spirit will open hearts and souls to welcome Christ, who will return to you in the splendor of his divine glory.
Thus my Immaculate Heart will finally attain its great triumph.'





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